I ended up buying a camera from the local electronics store. My phone has a camera, but the quality's garbage. It's more of a novelty than anything else, really. It's pretty cheap, but it does video, so I guess that's a plus. Not super important, though. The main thing is that I wanted to see if I could take a picture of the stranger and see if I could show it to someone else, or at least review it myself.
When I took a picture of the stranger, I realized I had forgotten to turn the flash off. It wasn't like he didn't see me already, though, so I figured it wasn't a big deal.
The weird thing is that he didn't blink when I took the picture, and come to think of it, I don't think I've seen him ever blink.
Then he walked away, really slowly, staring at me the entire time until he moved too far away to see me.
I think the flash ended up totally
blurring out his face, because it just looked blank when I looked back at the picture I took.