Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Fear is here

There are more of them than I had ever realized. I dreamed of them, guided by the shape’s whispering.

There is a doctor dressed in a cloak and a mask. His clothing does not prevent him from spreading the disease he is supposed to cure. Of course, he only makes it worse.

There is a metal tower that grows from human flesh.

There is a murder of crows. They burn with lightning and shake the sky with thunder.

There is an angel that hides behind the faces of the dead.

There are countless souls, unbound from physical forms except when they take others' bodies and rot them away.
There is a puppet who pulls the strings of others.
There is a child of ice who haunts the lonely and the cold.

And of course, there is a stranger with too many faces and a shape that whispers at night.

But I know in my heart that there are more besides.

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